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Magic Mushroom
Magic mushroom
An enchanted inhabitant of a nearby village. He's not evil, just very anxious and frightened.
Main Stat Strength
Special 1 Bonnet in your face
Description Ranged attack that does _ physical damage.
Special 2 Gum
Description Ranged attack that does _ physical damage. Also has a weakening effect.
Loot Healing Leaves
Location Magical Forest

Magic Mushroom is a monster in Swag & Sorcery.

Description[ | ]

An enchanted inhabitant of a nearby village. He's not evil, just very anxious and frightened.

Main Stat[ | ]

  • Strength

Special Attacks[ | ]

Bonnet in your face[ | ]

Ranged attack that does _ physical damage.

Gum[ | ]

Ranged attack that does _ physical damage. Also has a weakening effect.

Loot[ | ]

Appearances[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]